Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sticking out like a sore thumb - Day 9/21

Woke up late and missed breakfast again :-s Oh well, had a very good sleep from the trip yesterday. Today mostly spent in the hotel, had to prepare some work material this week. Decided to have lunch at the French cuisine restaurant. The food is served in small tiny portion on a spoon like bowl for every food items, these are buffet style but mind you, there are no rice, or any oriental dishes around nor any Indians, these are all well manicured beautiful food of art served in tiny servings for lunch. So I had to go around about 5 times to really feel full. You can actually stand there and pick up one of these tiny bowls and eat them in one gulp.

After awhile I realized that I was seated right in the middle of this poshy establishment, I was the only one alone, no company for lunch and the youngest looking one as always :p Most of them I can tell could be an ambassador of some country, CEO or top management corporate leaders, very refined and if this was back home they would be some Tan Sris or Datuks and Datins prancing around with their garrish jewellery and fancy talk, hugging kissing each other like the last time they meet each other was 10 years ago :p. Most were French for obvious reasons, they were some Koreans, half Japanese-French kids with a few local Indians, from the well to do families. Somehow I don't see these ppl that often out of the enclave and safety of the hotel :) Wonder why can't they be more adventurous and try some local food and mix around abit instead of sticking close together to their own kind of people and food especially in a foreign country, like our students going abroad, who mostly comes back with broken english or all running to the nearest Chinatown in every country they visit and waste all these chances to meet and learn new things in a place far from home. Sigh...


mai-dai-ree said...

this coming from someone who vehemently declared that they would not step out of the comforts of his 5-star hotel........

Unknown said...

bcoz they are not willing to step out from comfort zone....refuse to change...